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Dios, dame de lo que aun te queda,
Dame lo que nadie quiere,
no te pido riquezas ni fortuna
Ni siquiera salud...
La gente te lo pide tanto,
Que ya nada haz de tener
Dios , dame de lo que todavía tienes
Dame lo que la gente no quiere
Quiero inseguridad y desasosiego
Quiero privaciones y lucha sin fin
Y si me das todo esto...
¡OH Dios!
Dámelo ya, de una vez
Porque no siempre tendré fuerzas
Para pedirte de lo que aun te queda...
-Taisha Abelar
"Don Juan used to tell me that we're all gargoyles in this river of shit. We climb on each other and piss and shit all over each other. Some grapple each other and climb to the top, and others sink in the river. They don't fight, and you just occasionally see bubbles coming up, they hardly even breathe. Occasionally one gets pushed to the shore, to the side. That's when sorcerers try to hose them down. But it's too uncomfortable, a lot of people can't take it, it's too cold outside, and they jump back in. But if they can get hosed off they can find that it's infinitely more interesting to be out, and they can then go wherever they want."
-Carlos Castaneda. Dance Home, Santa Monica. February 28, 1997.